Friday, January 02, 2009 | Posted in

Global Positioning System commonly known as the GPS is becoming increasingly indispensable for some people that need it for different reasons. Among the common reasons why people buy GPS devices is to help them navigate. It is thus advisable for prospective consumers to be familiar with the varied systems available in the market, in order to make informed choices. Among the types of GPS devices that many consumers are scrambling for are the handheld GPS. These are basically portable navigational systems. They consist of cell phones. Cell phones are phones one can carry very where with them. Tracking devices also come under hand held GPS and are used to track cars, people and so on. Another handheld device which is common among people who deal with these devices is the PDA. These are like small notebooks and many people use them to note or record things in them. The multipurpose device, the most popular one, can be used on foot and in multiple cars as well.

Many multipurpose GPS units have maps in full color viewable in 3D or 2D views. Another feature of these devices is a windshield/ dashboard mounting arm which is removable for mounting purposes. Other features of multipurpose devices are traffic warnings, touch-screen interface, walking/ car/ biking car settings and multimedia extras. Apart from portability, handheld devices are also convenient. Hand held devices differ in terms of performance, features and mapping services. A number of handhelds provide their users with just longitude and latitude coordinates, while others offer 3D maps in full-color with directions that are voice guided. The In-Dash GPS device which other people call in-car GPS is another type pf GPS device that consumer need to familiarize themselves with. Unlike the devices which can be held in hand, a consumer cannot carry this unit around or move it from one car to another car.

GPS unit is usually done on the dash boards. This therefore makes it useful for that particular car. New cars often have factory installed optional in-dash systems and car owners can buy those ones or buy a car then have it installed with an aftermarket unit. People who like boating find Fish Finders or Marine GPS very useful. The purposes of this type of unit is to locate things in water and to track the course the user desires. Fishing vessels find the unit indispensable as Fish finders make use of the sonar technology to look into the water underneath the boat so that they can be able to locate sunken objects or fish. A number of marine GPS systems have GPS capabilities as well as fish finder abilities. Due to its dual purposes, the unit is becoming very popular. The prices of this device vary just like those of the handheld devices. The determining factors are abilities of the device and the features of the device. Some of the GPS systems are portable and people can use them when they go ice fishing as they combine Sonar technology and GPS technology.



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